Hi! My name is Morgan, and I have been working for the past five years in pursuit of becoming a physician assistant. I have learned a lot during my journey and want to share my advice with others who want to become PAs!

I am finishing my final year at Colorado State University studying Biomedical Sciences with a minor in Spanish. After graduating in May of 2021, I will start PA school at Campbell University in July.

Physician assistants (PAs) provide care for patients in a variety of settings and play a critical role in healthcare. As Advanced Practice Practitioners, they can diagnose and treat illnesses, prescribe medications, perform procedures, and assist in surgery. Their education emphasizes patient education along with preventative care and chronic care management. After submitting applications to PA programs during the 2020-2021 application cycle, I received a number of interview invitations and acceptances. This, along with my passion for the PA profession and my education at Colorado State University, inspired me to create content for pre-PA students. For my Honors Thesis as part of the University Honors Program at CSU, I created a blog called “How Tibia PA” to share pertinent information with students interested in pursuing a career as a physician assistant. The blog is relatively informal and includes sections regarding my decision to become a PA, how to prepare, general requirements, and information about the application process. Each section contains advice based on research as well as personal recommendations based on my experiences. It is intended to be an ongoing project with updates and expansion on some topics as I continue my education and begin working as a physician assistant.

After prerequisite courses, countless hours of research, 1800 hours of Patient Care Experience, and five years preparing to become a physician assistant, I have been invited to interview at thirteen PA programs so far. I have finished ten interviews, been accepted at six programs and waitlisted at two. With the hard work culminating in such positive results, I was inspired to share my experiences and resources for other future PAs to use. While working toward a career as a PA, I have learned about the profession, the requirements to become a PA, and what worked for me. My experiences and research have been compiled into a format that will be engaging and helpful for pre-PA students. As I continue in my education and begin to work as a PA, I plan to continue this blog and add more information as time goes on. It is intended to be informative but personal, and I hope it will inspire and assist anyone who is considering pursuing this fulfilling career.