Supplemental Applications

Not all programs require a supplemental application; the information will be on their website, and most will email you with a reminder that there is a supplemental component after receiving your CASPA. Most supplemental applications include additional essay questions specific to the program. A few that I applied to also required a headshot. Each of …


The main component of actually applying to PA school is the CASPA (Central Application Service for Physician Assistants). Almost everything is encompassed in the CASPA. Create an account, and fill out each section of the application. You will select programs and pay for the applications from the CASPA website. CASPA opens at the end of …

Personal Statement

The personal statement might be the most important essay you ever write. That can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t need to be. Start by creating a list of anything that comes to mind when you think about important parts of your pre-PA journey. It could be patient stories, shadowing experiences, or classes you took. It could …